Monday, 26 March 2012

Kony 2012

What techniques does the text use to engage the audience?

Throughout the clip they use many different techniques to help engage the audience, one of the many techniques used is that the use of the male voice over. The voice over gives a feel to the clip to show seriousness and show that the situation is no joke, the male voice over also gives a dramatic feel about the situation, this leaves the audience wanting to know more.
Another point of the male voice over is that it’s an American voice that is used throughout the clip, this promotes the hegemonic values as it shows that the American role in dominate in the media as all are familiar with this accent and can have an understanding to this voice.
This makes the audience aware of the traumatic event that’s taking place in Uganda and showing his point of view to why we should help.

Also the male voice over constantly uses the words ‘we’ and asks us rhetorical questions, the uses of these wordings make us feel a part of the clip and get us feeling involved with the direct mode of addressing. They also do close up shots on the voice of gods family, they show his child when its first born and the mother, this is cleverly used so that we can feel a part of the family and feel make us have a sense of trust within the male voiceover as he is letting us in to his private life. And it also allows us to identify what type of man the person behind the voice over is and it shows that he is a genuine family man, this allows us to feel some sort of trust for him.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Kony 2012

What techniques does the ad use to persuade the audience to help fund this organisation?
The clip uses many different techniques to help persuade the audience to give money to the organisation. One of the many techniques used is that the use of the male voice over. The voice over gives a feel to the clip to show seriousness and show that the situation is no joke, the male voice over also gives a dramatic feel about the situation. This makes the audience aware of the traumatic event that’s taking place in Uganda and makes them want to help them by sending them money.
Also the uses of clips that were shown in the video were all persuasive clips such as showing dramatic footages of the children in Africa such crying, upset and asking for help, to make the audience have sympathy towards the children so that they could also send money

How is the Kony 2012 represented as?
Kony 2012 was represented as a serious topic that is trying to get the world to come together for us all to be aware and take part in the serious matter to stop a evil man, that was ruining the lives of young children in Uganda. No matter what race or ethnic you are, it should be stopped with the help of each other. The clip is shown as a documentary type awareness video that is shown in a positive way to educate the world, by showing the lives and struggles that the typical American would have to go through and kind of comparing it in a way to what the children of Uganda would have to go through.

how is Kony 2012 shown as being real ?
They use many different types of techniques to show that the clip of Kony 2012 is real, one of the types of techniques that is used is the types of sounds that they use. Throughout the clip they use diegetic sounds to give a dramatic and real sense of feeling. Also the type of camera lightings that they use are all natural lightings to make them feel as if that the type of lighting that they showing on the clip hasn’t been once edited.

Thursday, 15 March 2012


Aspirational grade: B
Three targets I have made for myself to achieve
-          Improve on essay questions timing and skills – revise more practise questions at home by using the resources on the AQA website.
-          Learn theories and more media terminology – Use resources that are there to help me such as getting information out of books and using internet resources.
-          Put more effort within coursework/homework (also deadlines) – spend more time at home or at school on my work and be more organised.

Advert analysis

Codes & Conventions: What techniques does the ad use to persuade the audience to consume the Guardian?
The guardians use different types of techniques to persuade the audiences to consume the guardian. The guardian uses the story of the three little pigs to allow the audiences to be familiar what they are trying to represent. This allows the audience to feel a part of the advertisement and to immediately indentify the story that they are trying to create as outlined with the theory uses and gratification (Bulmer & Katz). Also another technique that is cleverly used was that within the advertisement was that after the headlines of the pigs on The Guardian was published, it showed that the audience were taking part in and had a say in the event that was taking place, via twitter, emailing etc. Also The Guardian showed both sides of the argument; this is a great way to persuade the audience to consume The Guardian as the audience can feel as if they could trust that they are getting all the information that they need and shown both sides to the story other than just one side like most newspapers do, and also that they are involved in incidents that take place within the society.
Representation: How is the news represented in the ad?
The news was represented as parody type news; they played on a childhood story that many of us in this generation are familiar with. They did this so that it allows the viewers at home to immediately connect with the news that they had represented. They showed the advertisement to have more than one side to the argument; so that it suggests that their news is reliable enough to show all points of views of both the news editors and the points of the audience.  
Media Institution: What issues of new technology does this ad raise and what does it tell us about the values of The Guardian?
The advertisement promotes The Guardian by using many different new technologies to show that their daily news can be found anywhere and can be linked to many different technologies such as Ipad, using internet to get access of their site, using the television and using phones to connect to their sources of new. This also shows us how quickly their news can get around and easily accessible that their organisation is.
Audience: On the basis of this ad, who does the Guardian brand appeal to?
On the basis of this advertisement The Guardian seems to appeal to the older teenagers and adults from ages 17+ as this advertisement takes a bit to understand and even in the advertisement they only show people around that age group.

Techniques to persuade the audience
What techniques does this trailer use to persuade an audience to see the film?
The types of techniques that this trailer uses to persuade the audience to watch this movie is that they cleverly use dramatic music within the trailer to create suspense that draws their attention in. The type of sounds that is used is non- dietetic such as a loud ticking noise and scraping sound as if the time is ticking for something dramatic to happen, which leaves the audience patiently waiting.
Another type of technique that is used within the trailer to persuade the audience to watch the movie is that within the trailer the type of shots that were used within the trailer. These shots show many of the intense and interesting parts of the trailer and this is also done really fast, this is done so that the audience would stay interested throughout the trailer.